Minimalist thought #5: Never ever settle for less!

6:35 AM

"The value of an object should never be defined by its price, rather by how much happiness it provides its owner."

Let me share with you a (rather complex) story of how I got my perfect make-up bag. Once upon a time, I had a hand-me-down make-up bag. It was old, filthy, and desperate for a replacement. 

In my mind, the perfect replacement would have the following characteristics:
- sleek
- could act like a small clutch
- could fit my mobile phone 
- would go great with any outfit

Since I was in a hurry to replace my deteriorating bag, I settled for one that somehow fits my needs. At first, I thought it was a good purchase because it wasn't very expensive. Unfortunately, it was too late before I realized that it was smaller than I expected. Pretty soon it became a great source of disappointment as I wasn't able to use it the way I wanted to.

After a few months, my mother offered to give me a new pouch. I was so excited to receive it for free that I failed to realize that the bag wasn't sleek all. (In fact it resembled a granny pouch) In the end, It made me self-conscious whenever I use it in public.

Frustrated, I told myself: 'okay this time I will try not to be so cheap'. I then bought my third pouch which is super sleek and equally expensive. I was quite happy with it until I realize that I couldn't fit my bb cushion inside it.

So I stuck with it and vowed to myself that I will never buy or acquire another make-up bag until I am sure that I found "the one". I kept my faith that I will find it eventually. I also reminded myself to be patient with the things that are of ideal quality.

One day, I found "the one" sitting in our local Forever21 while purchasing another item. It was reasonably priced, sleek, is the proper size, and it goes great with any outfit. It was all I can ask for and more -- it's my.. precious... 

I immediately purchased it without hesitation and up to this day I have no regrets.

I possess 4 make-up bags in total but I only ever needed one. The lesson I learned from this experience is that its okay to wait until all the conditions are met. It's better to spend on that one object you want and need the most than purchasing 10 others that you won't even care for.

This is the basic principle of minimalism. It's not about depriving yourself, rather surrounding yourself with only the best.

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