Minimalist thought #1: Where I am at, and where I want to be.

3:52 AM

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." -Arthur Ashe

28 years old. Loves fashion and beauty. Scatter-brained. Slightly shopaholic. A little overwhelmed.

That's where I am at right now.

Back when I was living with my parents, I longed so badly to have a place of my own. I imagined a place of solitude and peace. A sanctuary. So when I was finally able to earn a decent amount of money, I decided to rent a place of my own.

There, I crammed my small 26-sqm studio type room with stuff. I even brought my bike with me. It didn't take long before I started to feel a little uncomfortable with my overly packed surroundings.

Everywhere I looked, I find objects that are screaming for attention. A neon green bag, bright colored medicine bottles, bits and pieces of papers strewn all over.

It didn't take long for me to realize that the stress from all the clutter was affecting my mood and behavior.

Desperate for help, I picked up this book called "The life changing magic of tidying up" by Marie Kondo. I then quickly applied its methods to the most problematic area of the room -- which is the dining area.

With every item removed from the dining table I felt a profound sense of joy and relief. As if a heavy weight was lifted from me. It then it becomes clear what I must do to take control over my life.

My goal now is to be surrounded only with the things that bring me joy. And to finally let go of things, habits, ideas and relationships that doesn't serve me well.

I will make it a habit to document my journey in this blog and share the lessons I learned along the way. Hopefully, it can help someone else in their personal journey as well.

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