Minimalist thought #3: What minimalism means for me?

4:39 AM

The meaning of minimalism for me is ever-evolving. At first, I thought that it was just a simple concept of "owning less". But as I learn more about it, I realize that minimalism stands for something so much more.

For me, minimalism is a way of life, wherein the basic principle is to recognize what is essential and make conscious decisions to eliminate what isn't.

Without fully realizing it, applying the concepts of minimalism in my physical space changed the way I see the world entirely. Its principles can be applied to health, writing style, habits, fashion, relationships and thoughts etc. Basically anything you can think of!

Some people might assume that becoming a minimalist means I have to narrow down my belongings to 50 items. To some it makes perfect sense to purge all possessions, but not for me. My idea is quite different. I don't want to live a life of scarcity, rather, I wish to be surrounded with the things that bring me joy and fulfillment. Anything more than that is overkill. (this topic will be discussed in my future blog post -- finding the right amount)

The journey of minimalism is different for everyone.

What does minimalism mean for you?

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